Before you buy a pony, you have to think about what level a rider you are. If you are a novice rider, you will probably want a calm and relaxed older pony who can look after you and help you in your journey to a becoming a better rider. However, if you are an advanced rider, although I do doubt that an advanced rider would be reading this presentation, you may want a younger pony that you can train yourself. Either way, It is important that you find the perfect pony for you, whether that pony is old or young, broken in or not, is entirely up to you. Another thing to think about before buying a pony is what the pony will be doing. This will also help you know what breed to look out for. First of all, you need to figure out if you want to buy a pony or a pony. Once you know that, you can begin looking at breeds. Which breed you should pick depends on things such as where he will be living (If your pony is going to live out 24/7, you will need a hardier pony), and what kind of work he will be doing (If you want to be showjumping, you don’t want to end up with a pony who can’t jump. To find out more about buying a pony, check out Buying a pony (Part 2: Finding your dream Pony)